Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL, and SystemVerilog (6th Edition) eBook PDF
A modern update to a classic, authoritative textbook, Digital Design, 6th Edition, PDF, teaches the fundamental concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The textbook presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides procedures suitable for a variety of digital applications. Like the previous editions, this Digital Design 6e supports a multimodal approach to learning, with a focus on digital design, regardless of language. Recognizing that 3 public-domain languages—VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog—all play a role in design flows for today’s digital devices, the 6th Edition offers parallel tracks of presentation of multiple languages but allows a concentration on a single, chosen language.
About the eBook
An introduction to digital design, intended for a broad audience embracing students of computer engineering, computer science, and electrical engineering.
- The focus of the textbook reflects the content of a foundation course in digital design and the mainstream technology of today’s digital systems: CMOS circuits. The intended audience is broad, embracing students of computer science, electrical engineering and computer engineering. The key elements include Boolean logic, logic gates used by designers, synchronous finite state machines, and datapath controller design—all from a perspective of designing digital systems.
- Hardware description languages (HDLs), which today’s designers rely heavily on, are given significant attention, and the textbook presents a clear development of a design methodology using VHDL and Verilog.
- A multimodal approach to learning follows the VARK characterization of learning modalities, identifying the four major modes by which humans learn: (V) visual, (A) aural, (R) reading, and (K) kinesthetic.
- The sequence of topics is designed to accommodate courses that adhere to traditional, manual-based treatments of digital design, courses that treat design using an HDL, and courses that are in transition between or blend the 2 approaches.
- Web Search Topics at the end of each chapter point students to additional subject matter available on the web.
Equal level of treatment for both languages, VHDL and Verilog, with an optional introduction to SystemVerilog
- NEW! A parallel, but integrated, treatment of Verilog and VHDL, the main hardware description languages used in industry today makes the core text available to a wider audience of students and instructor backgrounds.
- NEW! Examples are presented in both VHDL and Verilog.
- NEW! Practice Exercises, which provide feedback to the student, are stated generically, but answers are given in both languages.
- NEW! An introduction to SystemVerilog has been added to the etextbook.
- REVISED! Problems at the end of the chapters have been revised, and are stated in terms of a generic HDL, enabling the instructor to choose the language being used by the students. Problem solutions are presented as fully worked versions in both languages.
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